Thanks, Audible

March #SOL17 Day 7


Last year I sliced about how obsessed I was with NPR’s Podcast; Serial.  I loved the on-going story and all the legal-ease.  It was like I was listening to a John Grisham novel.

This year I have discovered, thanks to Verizon finally going back to unlimited data, Audible.  Audible is a handy app that allows me to download books so that I can listen to them on my phone, Kindle or through the blue tooth in my car.

I am currently making my way through George Orwell’s 1984 at the rate of 1 chapter per 25 miles.  At this rate I’ll zip through my current stack of 4-5 books in no time!  And I now have hope for tapping into the beautiful stories of those 20, or so books, waiting patiently in-the-wings.

As I read/listen to my book on the road, cars are whizzing past me.  I used to be in the lead each morning and evening; zig-zagging in and out of lanes.  On a mission to be at the head of the pack.  Now I can be found cruising along in the right lane.  My lips moving, not to the latest and greatest song playing on the radio, but to myself as I react out loud in amazement at this work of “fiction.”   The thick British accent of narrator, Simon Prebble, slowly and deftly reveals the acts of Big Brother, the Thought Police and the Ministry of Truth. Some heavy duty concepts that are somehow made easier to swallow in a gentle read aloud.

I’m not sure if I say I’m reading my book, or listening to it.  I like to think it’s both because I am deeply comprehending this story, possibly more than if I were actually reading the words myself.  By simply listening, the words are washing over me and I am picturing the scenes as they play out.   I am transported to another place and time…and not just by my vehicle.

Thanks, Audible.




10 thoughts on “Thanks, Audible

  1. I have considered listening to books. As a new widow, my concentration is not there for reading, but how I miss the hours of being transported elsewhere.

  2. On a trip to Pennsylvania I decided to embark on audiobooks. What an amazing decision. I remember reading your previous post about listening to NPR and thinking to myself “I need to try that in the morning.” I never did. Now I am going to my library’s website and requesting a few books on CD – I just wish I had unlimited data on my phone to make it easier.

  3. I love listening to audiobooks in the car. It makes the drive to and from work so much more pleasant.

  4. Audible has changed my life! I now look forward to my commute and I feel like a real participant in the literary world…with any time left for real reading these days, I find I can’t stay awake! Many libraries also offer ways to download and listen to books for free. Something else to feed your habit!

  5. I “transported” (in my own mind) myself into the car on the way to work, just relaxed and almost stalling to get to work so I could finish the chapter. I found myself feeling a little jealous at what sounds like such a wonderful “place to be” in the morning or after work. What a picture… “the words are washing over me.” And…love your play on words “I am transported to another place and time…”

  6. Yes, yes and yes! I use the app Overdrive which is connected to my local library. All you need is a library card and it’s just like borrowing physical books, but better because there’s no late fees! 🙂 And just like you, I found myself slowing down during my drive so I could get more reading/listening time in. And just like you, I never know whether to say I’m reading/listening. I just finished Jodi Picoult’s book, Leaving Time on my Overdrive app. Wonderful book! I’ve even begun listening while taking a shower. Makes the time pass much more quickly! Thanks for sharing!

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