Our Window

#SOL19 – Day Thirty


We look out our window every day.  If I had to guess how often, I would say it would be 15-20 times.  Our view never ceases to amaze and inspire us.  It makes us happy.

There is a beautiful vision of Lake Michigan that dips into the eastern horizon and runs south to north, just like Lake Shore Drive.  The sun appears in the morning as if it has taken an overnight swim and is lifting out of the water, dripping and hot, and ready to shine.  Our eyes struggle to see the Indiana shoreline.  We think about our friend who has a lake house there where she watches the sunset, the opposite of what we see from our window.

Attached to the lake, a little closer in our view is the boat harbor.  She looks rather desolate in the winter with her vacant slips.  Steel and wooden homes with frozen water wafting about are awaiting their owners to once again come home to roost for the summer.  But even when empty they give us hope.  Hope that the yachts and speed boats will be back, sure as it’s springtime in Chicago.  We stand watch from our window, counting the days until the boats slowly ease back into view.

Our window further frames other beautiful features as we turn to our left and gaze north.  We check the status of Soldier Field, the Planetarium and the Field Museum.  Football games, concerts, 5K running events and the return of the mummy show are just a few things we may see.  Huge billowing plumes of smoke flow out of the rounded roof of the Planetarium in the dead of winter.  That’s when I know it’s very cold outside and I am better off staying put inside where it is warm and cozy.

I am content to sit on my couch and look out our window.





5 thoughts on “Our Window

  1. I love the structure of this. One perspective, one paragraph, different scenes and all really easy to visualize and transitioned well too. Nice job.

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