Help! I Need a Book to Read!

March #SOL16 Day 20

sol[1]My go-to friend for book recommendations never lets me down.  I really love that someone out there knows me so well that they can always point me in the right direction of my next read.

When I’m ready for my next page-turner I usually text.

“In need of adult rdg.  Whatcha got?”

Within in 30 minutes, usually sooner, I get a response.  Most recently it was an email fully equipped with pictures of three book covers, Amazon reviews and a short personal endorsement of each of the potential winning novels.  I perused each one quickly and landed on the first one she suggested.  I knew I didn’t have to agonize over the choices.  I was confident that all three would match my style.

I’m currently  half way through this latest e-read.  Diane has never let me down.  It’s the sixth book that she’s led me to and I’m never disappointed.

Once I start reading the book I start texting again.

“OMG I can’t believe Nate just killed the kids Nene!  

She writes back, “I know.  it was hard keeping a straight face the other night when you were talking about the book at dinner!”

I love these interactions.  They keep me going.  It’s like a book club with only two members. I can send random thoughts about the book I’m reading, knowing full well that she already read it but also knowing that she will engage in a quick conversation with me so I can get back to reading!

It’s so great to have a friend who knows my reading tastes so well.

Thank you, Diane!






15 thoughts on “Help! I Need a Book to Read!

  1. I love this! I’m usually the go to person to help people recommend books for their students. I need someone to recommend for me! Would you mind passing the titles on?

  2. Carrie, I can’t wait for spring break and then summer so that I feel like I can indulge in my favorite pastime – reading! I have a couple of friends who recommend adult books to me but I also really enjoy young adult so I have people I follow on Goodreads

  3. Hi, what book are you reading? Sounds interesting. I am reading Mars with Venus Rising. I think it is self-published. I review for LitFuse. 🙂 I hope you enjoy your book. I love Goodreads too.

  4. I LOVE these people! I have one of them in my life, too! She’s always a solid resource for when I can’t wait anymore!

  5. Awww! What a huge compliment. I suppose my love of books comes from having a mom who owned a bookstore! I love our two person book club too! Here’s another rec… All American Boys. Geared towards adolescent readers but really gets you thinking.

  6. It’s great having someone to go to when you need a new book, especially after you finish a wonderfully written book and you need something just as good. Having a go to book friend is the best!! Lucky you!

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