My Rage

#SOL19 – Day Eleven


So this is what it’s come to.

We are shocked when the person walking in front of us, driving alongside us or passing us by in a hallway is…nice.

We were at a book signing a few days ago.  The author was talking about how we should be outraged and rebellious about the way things are going in our communities, country, and the world.  She talked about the need for an uprising.  She seemed to get the small group of 30-something women excited.  I’m not entirely sure, though.  Maybe I was wrong and these ladies will go back to their college classes and safe, comfy homes and live life exactly as they had prior to this event.

What I do know is that some of this author’s ideas did stick with me.  My friend and I drove home that night and had a great conversation.  While she and I don’t always see eye to eye politically this conversation wasn’t about that.  We enjoyed full and complete agreement on this bold new concept:  People need to be nicer.  Period.

Is it that hard to hold the door open for the person behind you?

Is it too difficult to smile and say hello to a passerby?

Are we in too much of a rush to slow our car down to let the person next to us cut in front so they can make their exit?

Kathy and I didn’t think so.

But yet, so many others seem to find it near impossible.

That’s where my rage lies.

Rather than concentrating on feelings of anger and rebellion our beliefs were even further cemented that what we need more of in this world is kindness and empathy.



4 thoughts on “My Rage

  1. I so agree with focusing on kindness, in the midst of so much dissonance and divisiveness.My own opinion is that, at least in my community, I see a real embrace of this concept. It is the only true way to do battle.

  2. This… all of this. My students and I were just talking about this today- unfortunately we can not control how other people choose to act, but we can control how we respond and we should try our best to respond with kindness- the world could use a little more for sure!

  3. Teaching kindness starts when your little and hopefully it can last throughout your life time. Simple acts of kindness shouldn’t be hard, but it is for some. 😦

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