Carrie And The No Good, Very Busy Day

#SOL18 Day Twenty-Nine

slice-of-life_individual  “Thank you for your patience!” she said happily.

Why do they say that?  They are (incorrectly) assuming that I am patient right now.

“We’re so sorry.  We’ve just been swamped today!  This is highly unusual!”

Of course.  I am here on the highly unusually swamped day.  

“We book patients in 15-minute increments figuring that some of them aren’t going to show.  But, everyone showed up today!”

Then why do you book appointments in 15-minute increments?  How is it humanly possible for the Dr. to see four patients in one hour/eight patients in two hours/thirty-two patients in one day???

“We’re just going to take your vitals and then take you to the sub-waiting room until a room for the Dr. opens up.”

So, I waited out there for an hour only to be brought back here to be taken to yet another waiting room?  This day just kept getting better and better!

Ahhhh, spring break.  I had higher hopes for thee.  Hopefully, things will improve and I can begin to take charge of this day!





5 thoughts on “Carrie And The No Good, Very Busy Day

  1. The sub waiting room?!?! Oh my gosh, the things they come up with. Good luck navigating the insane system of the medical world. I wonder who it makes sense to?

  2. Love your title and the dialogue is spot on. What exactly is a sub waiting room??? I’ve never even heard of that. I guess it’s odd that everyone shows up for their appointments. Hope your day got better!

  3. The way you talk directly to spring break in the last paragraph has me laughing out loud. We have such high hopes for our limited time off…and you capture our collective angst when things don’t go our way with such clarity.

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