This Redhead Kid That I Know

#SOL18 Day Fifteen

slice-of-life_individualThere’s this kid I know.  He has red hair.  He must be on my mind constantly because the minute I see a boy with red hair I’m sure it’s him.  The same goes for kids, or adults for that matter, with red hair on T.V.  He reminds me of him!  I pause in amazement and think about that devilish grin and signature mop top.  He’s been bounced around from home to home.  From a small child he lived with his mom, then his grandparents, then his mom again and then a foster mother.  I hope with all my heart that he gets to settle down with an adult who loves and cares for him and who can give him stability.  He deserves that.

There’s this kid I know.  He has red hair.  He must be on my mind constantly because whenever I see a successful adult who had a difficult childhood I think, this would be a perfect job for him when he grows up.  Chip Gaines, from the T.V. show Fixer Upper,  is a grown-up version of this kid!  I pause in amazement and think about what he has been through and how he continues to persevere.  I hope with all my heart that as a grown man he remembers where he came from and uses his gifts to make the world a better place.

There’s this kid I know.  He has red hair.  He must be on my mind constantly because even when it’s been over 6 months since I’ve seen him it’s easy to reconnect and catch up on all that I’ve missed.  I can email him a hey, how’s it going and he’ll email me back within minutes.  I pause in amazement and think about how each year he has grown more confident and mature.  I have had the chance to watch him grow into a solid young man who knows himself through and through.  I hope with all my heart that we stay in touch well into his adulthood.  Selfishly I want to see this through.  I need to see where his (success) story goes next.





6 thoughts on “This Redhead Kid That I Know

  1. I didn’t expect to jump through time with this post, but I’m glad I did. Thanks for giving us what looks like a happy ending (beginning?) to the red-head kid’s story. He is lucky to have you on his side!

  2. I love the repetition in the beginning, and the way it lead us to something new in all three paragraphs. It was a really cool style! Also, I’m intrigued by this “kid with red hair” that’s been on your mind. I wonder who he is and who he’s becoming. All the best to your “kid with red hair!”

  3. I liked this for a lot of reasons. I thought the repetition really brought your thoughts together and how very much you think of this “kid with red hair!” We all have them, and that’s what makes this piece so powerful. He is lucky, this kid with red hair, for he has you in his corner. He surely can’t help but succeed.

  4. I agree with several other commenters. The way you used repetition to structure this piece is absolutely perfect. Even more perfect, though, is that “this kid” has people like you in his court. Thanks for caring so much for him!

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